The European School Lille Métropole is a public school called “EPLEI “

The European School Lille Métropole, accredited European School, is an “Établissement public local d’enseignement international”, independent legal entity.

It is administered by an Administration Council (CA EELM or CA of the School), which constitutes its governing body. Its composition is fixed by Decree N°2019-887.

The election of the representatives of families to the CA of the school takes place latest before the 7th week following the start of the school year, in accordance with current legislation.

Several committees are composed of members of the CA. 4 of these include parents of pupils at the school:

  • The Standing committee*
  • The Disciplinary council*
  • The Health and Safety committee
  • The Health and Citizenship Education committee

* : only CA-EELM members can be part of these committees

Different bodies result from the CA of the school, on 4 of which sit pupils parents

The Standing committee*

It examines questions submitted to  the CA. The committee must be consulted on questions relating to the pedagogical and educational aspects of the school. Certain tasks of the CA can be delegated to the standing committee.

The Disciplinary council*

It is responsible for deciding which sanctions from the school rules should be pronounced in the case of severe disciplinary problems.

The Health and Safety committee (CHS)

The tasks of the Health and Safety committee are to:

  • Promote safety training for the school’s pupils and staff
  • Contribute to improving health and safety conditions in the school
  • Monitor the working conditions of the staff and pupils.

The Health and Citizenship Education committee (CESC)

The school’s director brings together in this committee the educational, social and health staff of the school along with representatives of the teaching staff, of the pupils’ parents and of the local authorities. Depending on the questions being considered, other participants may be invited whose contributions could be relevant. The CESC is contributes to an overarching prevention policy. It includes representatives of all sections of the school community, and is open to external partners:

  • It contributes to citizenship education
  • It prepares a violence prevention plan
  • It proposes initiatives to help parents who are facing difficulties, and to help reduce exclusion
  • It prepares a program of sexual and health education and a strategy for the prevention of high-risk behaviours.

* : only CA-EELM members can be part of these committees

Administrative bodies specific to the European School Lille Métropole

The following bodies function in the school according to the General Rules of the European Schools:

Class councils

The composition and functioning of class councils conform to the General Rules of the European Schools. Teaching staff for each class meets at the end of each semester to evaluate the academic results and behaviours of pupil.

Pedagogical council

Te pedagogical council fits the role of the Education councils mentioned in the General rules of the European School. The council members include the administrative team as well as teachers from each cycle and section. The task of the Pedagogical council is to seek optimum conditions for effective teaching and to promote positive and stimulating human relations. In particular, they shall seek to introduce all measures likely to highlight the school’s European character. They may set up working groups. They may adopt resolutions for submission to the competent authorities of the European Schools.

Student Committee

The pupils of the secondary school organise a Student Committee, to meet monthly. At the beginning of the school year, the members of each class will elect one representative and one substitute. The delegates will then form from among their number a committee that will choose its representative to the various committees, councils and commissions.

You will find more details on the school web site:

General overview of the main bodies in which parents have a role to play
Liste AConstruisons notre école ensemble – Building our school together
Listes 2021/2022

ListeLead representativesSubstitute representatives
AGrégory Lepoutre-Acevedo (S3-EN)Marion Blondel (S2-FR)
AMagali Lehmann (P2-FR & S1-FR)Antonio Perez (M1-FR & P1-FR)
ASophia Belouar (M2-FR)Virginie Hamada (M1-EN)
AMaxime Besnier (S3-EN)Bénédicte Ciscato (P3-EN)
AVictoria Oboeuf-Newman (M1-EN)Mélodie Speckaert (M2-FR)
ASvetlana Buxin (S3-FR & P2-FR)Tim Caulfield (S3-EN)
Parents élus au CA-EELM le 08 octobre 2021
Lead representativesSubstitute representatives
Sophia Belouar (M1-fr)Carol Clancy (M2-en)
Julie Alix (S1-fr)Emma Hagedorn (S2-en)
Health and Safety committee (CHS) 2020/2021
Lead representativesSubstitute representatives
Julien Thomas (P2-fr)Gregory Lepoutre(S2-en)
Marion Blondel (S1-fr)Julie Massa (P2-fr)
Health and Citizenship Education committee (CESC) 2020/2021
Lead representativesSubstitute representatives
Carol Clancy (M2-en)Amandine Lauvray (M1-en, P1-en)
Hélène Pebay (M1-fr & S1-fr)Julie Alix (S1-fr)
Disciplinary council 2020/2021
Lead representativesSubstitute representatives
Sébastien Lepitre (P2-fr)Lucile douangsimalavong (M2-en)
Richard Conlin (S2-en)Hervé Dematte (S1-fr)
Standing committee 2020/2021