Our activities emphasize the values of sustainable development and solidarity at the heart of our school. Every year, we organize key events such as World Clean-up Day in September and a toy drive in December to benefit 2 charities, Ludopital and Enfance et Vie. A Handisport Day was also organized in 2022 with the school and Nord Handicap to raise awareness about disabilities through sports.

“Long-term” projects have been created over the last 3 years and are varied:

  • Installing  ecoboxes (recycling batteries, felt-tip pens, corks, etc.)
  • Purchasing ecocups to avoid plastic cups for birthdays and other major events
  • The creation of a directory of local good deals to encourage consumption of local, organic, and unpackaged products.
  • Coordinating the “Comment ça vrac?” bike that is present outside the school every Wednesday during lunchtime to promote the purchase of loose products
  • Helping to set up vegetable gardens and a biodiversity area with feeding points for birds, a hedgehog shelter, etc.
  • Using Scoléo to facilitate the purchase and reuse of school supplies
  • Organizing an annual solidarity initiative with Christmas cards sent to residents of a local retirement home.

 New projects are currently under development: initiation to Climate Fresk, sale of “seed bombs” or cuttings, participation in a solidarity race, etc