This is the third school year for the students and families of EELM, and the year 2021 is almost over already. The Parents’ Association and its new team are happy to present the actions of the different working groups. If these actions inspire you, and you are interested in joining a group, do not hesitate. You are more than welcome!


Thank you all for your participation in our first Easy Wednesday on 20 October. A second Easy Wednesday will take place on 2 February with a Chinese New Year theme.
For Christmas, we were a little frustrated in our enthusiasm. We would have liked to been able to organise a friendly Christmas festival so that we could finally meet in person. We realised that we would have to wait a little longer for that, so we proposed a Christmas tree sale.
On the expense side, we financed sports equipment and playground game equipment to the tune of 500 euros for the school. We also approved two financial contributions from the APE to the school, for a total of 1900 euros to help finance outings and trips for the pupils of sections M, P and S.
We are now getting down to work to prepare a magnificent yearbook for the end of the year. If any of you would like to have a copy of the 2020-21 yearbook, please contact us, as we still have some left.


The library group is in the process of cataloguing the contents of the M and P library using software purchased by the school. This will allow us to start lending books in the near future. The group would also like to continue opening the library during lunchtime for the children. We need many volunteers to be able to offer as many opening days as possible! Please contact us at if you are interested.


This year we have further expanded our range of extra-curricular activities. Our extra-curricular activities for M1/M2 and P1/P2/P3 have resumed with great success and have been running since 6 September. Thanks to the precautions taken from the start, all the workshops have been maintained despite changes in the health protocol. In total, there are 13 workshops and 155 children taking part on a daily basis!
We are pleased to offer extra-curricular activities to secondary school pupils from 3 January. You can register since 5 December with UFCV for one of the 6 workshops proposed: Kung Fu, theatre (FR), capoeira, chess, Bollywood (EN), and Brazilian music. Thank you to all the parents involved in this group who allow us to ensure a follow-up of the workshops and good communication between the professionals and the parents.


An appeal has been made to families to collect eco-cups that you do not use at home. This will allow us to organise birthdays and events without using plastic or nonrecyclable/reusable cups. The collection is not over yet, so please have your child bring them to school, and we will collect them! When you pass by the school, the vegetable garden seems abandoned. Well, it’s not, it’s resting. We have added potting soil and dead leaves to the vegetable trays so that the seedlings and plantations will have the best possible environment to grow in the coming months. The bird feeders have also been filled to help the birds through the harsh winter months. Finally, the toy collection for the benefit of the associations Ludopital and Enfance et Vie will take place in December.


As soon as school was back in session, the group members were mobilized for the School Ecomobility Challenge that took place from October 11th to the 15th in order to encourage participation in the event among school staff and families. Several routes to come to school together were proposed which allowed for some lovely meetings between families! Once again this year, a class from our school won the award for being the class with the best progression towards ecomobility.
Bravo P3 EN! The pupils will receive their award December 14th in the presence of the CREM (EcoMobility Resource Center).
This spirit of collaboration was strengthened thanks to the sale organized with the EcoSchool and Fundraising groups of fluorescent yellow safety vests personalized by the APE. Don’t worry if you missed out! We will be holding another sale in May for the annual Bike Challenge.
Additionally, the Mobility group is currently working on implementing the PDES “Plan Déplacement Établissement Scolaire” (School Commute Plan) in collaboration with the school. We will be sharing more about this soon to make use of this research and action tool concerning your home-to-school commutes. We’re counting on you!
Don’t hesitate to contact us at


In the Communication & Diversity group, we are thinking about how to highlight the many nationalities present in the school. A Diversity project is in the making, the idea being to regularly highlight one nationality through cultural actions and events. If you want to be part of this project, please join us! We are looking for volunteers who will be able to share their ideas and bring diversity to life in our school.
We would also like to know your expectations and opinions in terms of communication. That is why we are launching a survey for all families. We would like to thank you in advance for taking the time to answer it so that we can better understand your expectations and improve the points that need to be optimised. Thank you, everyone!

Newsletter #4 EN

Newsletter #4 FR